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Kalaf Epalanga
Kalaf Epalanga
Angola/ Portugal
Photo: Filipe Ferreira
Born in Angola in 1978. Writer and musician based in Berlin. Published the books Também os Brancos Sabem Dançar (Whites Can Dance Too, 2023) and O Angolano que Comprou Lisboa (Por Metade do Preço) (The Angolan who Bought Lisbon (at Half the Price)). Member of the band Buraka Som Sistema.
What you can't miss:
An exhilarating debut novel told through three different voices,this is a reflection on and celebration of the music of Epalanga's homeland, the intertwining of cultural roots, and freedom and love. It took being caught at a border without proper documents for me to realise I'd always been a prisoner of sorts. Kuduro had been my passport to the world, thanks to it I'd travelled to places I'd never dreamed of visiting. But the chickens had come home to roost . . .
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